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SEIM has been operating in the market for over 30 years and has reached a position of leadership, having installed over two million screw pumps, over 50,000 heat exchangers and the same number of safety valves, for numerous industrial sectors, such as Energy, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas, the Paper and Metal industry, Automotive, Marine, to name just a few. The vast range of products fulfils the operating demands in all areas of use, which can be outlined as:

The SEIM product is developed entirely in-house, based on the know-how gained over decades of experience in screw pump production. The SEIM Research and Development department follows the criteria below: - fulfilment of market demands, Thanks to its high tech systems and the synergetic collaboration with customers and distributors, the department develops new products aimed at satisfying requests for new applications of use (therefore, also in terms of Product customisation);- integrating the already excellent performance of existing SEIM models by implementing the newest developments in materials, processing and analysis and product control systems (during processing phases as well as on the finished product).